Participating Group (2018-2019)
Ultrafast terahertz switching in organic bistable material
Research Outline
Recent progress of the research using the terahertz pulses is very significant. Many researches by using terahertz pulses were performed such as spectroscopy, terahertz pump induced phenomena, and nonlinear optic effect. Figure 1 shows the observed terahertz waveforms in time domain with the peak amplitude of electric field (500kV/cm) and magnetic field (0.15 Tesla). Use of the terahertz pulse excitation with high intensity enable us to examine ultrafast optical control for the material states and phases. Figure 2 shows our recent experimental results for the coherent control of the magnetic state for ErFeO3 using terahertz pulse excitation around the spin reorientation phase transition (PRL 120, 107202, (2018).). Our purpose of this study is demonstration of the ultrafast switching for the conductivity states for the solids such as organic materials, soft crystals, and bi-stable materials which are very sensitive to the stimuli such as external electric and magnetic field, and optical excitation.
Academic papers/reviewed
- "Reconfiguration of magnetic domain structures of ErFeO3 by intense terahertz free electron laser pulses" T. Kurihara, K. Hirota, H. Qiu, K. Phan, K. Kato, G. Isoyama and M. Nakajima, Scientific Reports 10, 7321 (2020).
- "Magnetically and electrically polarization-tunable THz emitter with the integrated ferromagnetic heterostructure and large birefringence liquid crystal" H. Qiu, L. Wang, Z. Shen, K. Kato, N. Sarukura, M. Yoshimura, W. Hu, Y. Lu, M. Nakajima, Appl. Phys. Exp., 2018, 11, 092101-1~4.
- "Terahertz generation measurements of multilayered GeTe–Sb2Te3 phase change materials" K. Makino, K. Kato, Y. Saito, P. Fons, A. V. Kolobov, J. Tominaga, T. Nakano, M. Nakajima, Opt. Lett., 2019, 44, 1355-1358.DOI: 10.1364/OL.44.001355
- "Terahertz Radiation from Combined Metallic Slit Arrays" D. Li, M. Nakajima, M. Tani, J. Yang, H. Kitahara, M. Hashida, M. Asakawa, W. Liu, Y. Wei and Z. Yang, Sci. Rep., 2019, 9, 6804.
- "Terahertz spectroscopic characterization of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change materials for photonics applications" *K. Makino, K. Kato, Y. Saito, P. Fons, A. V. Kolobov, J. Tominaga, T. Nakano, M. Nakajima, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7, 8209-8215 (2019).DOI: 10.1039/C9TC01456J