田代 省平

たしろ しょうへい
Shohei Tashiro





本研究代表者はこれまでに、環状三核パラジウム(II)錯体の自己集合によって1.4 nm × 1.9 nmの一次元ナノチャネルを有する多孔性分子結晶Metal–Macrocycle Framework (MMF) が得られることを見出し、チャネル壁面上に備わった五種類の鏡像異性体対分子認識ポケットを活用することにより、MMFチャネル内に様々な分子を位置選択的に配列化できることを報告した。本研究課題では、MMF細孔内をナノサイズの結晶化場として活用することにより、結晶細孔内で異種複数分子を自在かつ柔軟に一次元ナノ結晶化させる技術「ソフトクリスタリゼーション法」を開発する。本結晶化技術によって分子本来の結晶化能の制約にとらわれることなく、組成や配列、相対配置を制御しながら種々の分子を柔軟に結晶化させることにより、新たな配列構造に基づく新規な光学特性や電気伝導性、物質輸送能などを開拓することを目指す。

多孔性分子結晶Metal–Macrocycle Framework (MMF)




  1. "Core-shell metal-macrocycle framework (MMF): spatially selective dye inclusion through core-to-shell anisotropic transport along crystalline 1D-channels connected by epitaxial growth" *S. Tashiro, S. Mitsui, D. W. Burke, R. Kubota, N. Matsushita, *M. Shionoya, CrystEngComm, 22, 1306–1309 (2020). (Back Cover)
  2. "Novel porous crystals with macrocycle-based well-defined molecular recognition sites" S. Tashiro, *M. Shionoya, Acc. Chem. Res., 2020, 53, 3, 632–643.
  3. "Preferential photoreaction in a porous crystal, metal–macrocycle framework: PdII-mediated olefin migration over [2+2] cycloaddition" H. Yonezawa, S. Tashiro, T. Shiraogawa, M. Ehara, R. Shimada, T. Ozawa, M. Shionoya, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 48, 16610-16614.
  4. "Rational synthesis of benzimidazole[3]arenes by CuII-catalyzed post-macrocyclization transofrmation" S. Tashiro, T. Umeki, R. Kubota, M. Shionoya, Chem. Sci., 2018, 39, 7614-7619. (Back Cover)


  1. "Nanostructure and thermoresponsiveness of poly(N-isopropyl methacrylamide)-based hydrogel microspheres prepared via aqueous free radical precipitation polymerization", Y. Nishizawa, H. Minato, T. Inui, I. Saito, T. Kureha, M. Shibayama, *T. Uchihashi, *D. Suzuki, RSC Advances 11, 13130-13137(2021).
  2. "Protein Needles Designed to Self-Assemble through Needle Tip Engineering", K. Kikuchi, T. Fukuyama, T. Uchihashi, T. Furuta, Y. T. Maeda, *T. Ueno, Small., 18(10)2106401.
  3. "Quantitative Visualization of the Interaction between Complement Component C1 and Immunoglobulin G: The Effect of CH1 Domain Deletion", S. Yanaka, S. Nishiguchi, R. Yogo, H. Watanabe, J. Shen, H. Yagi, *T. Uchihashi, *K. Kato, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 2090(2022).
  4. "Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Conformations of Bacterial ClpB from High-Speed Atomic-Force-Microscopy Images", B. Dasgupta, O. Miyashita, T. Uchihashi, *F. Tama*, Frontiers in in Molecular Biosciences: Biological Modeling and Simulation 8, 704274 (2021).
  5. "Shape-selective one-step synthesis of branched gold nanoparticles on the crystal surface of redox-active PdII-macrocycles", Y. Yamashita, *S. Tashiro, Y. Ishii, T. Uchihashi, N. Matsushita, R.Kubota, *M. Shionoya, Dalton Transactions, 51, 1318-1324 (2022). (領域内共同研究 A02公募 田代)
  6. "A Thermoresponsive Micellar Assembly Constructed from a Hexameric Hemoprotein Modified with Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) toward an Artificial Light-harvesting System" S. Hirayama, *K. Oohora, *T. Uchihashi, *T. Hayashi, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 182-1831 (2020).
  7. "Construction of a Hexameric Hemoprotein Sheet and Direct Observation of Dynamic Process of its Formation" *K. Oohora, S. Hirayama, *T. Uchihashi, T. Hayashi*, Chem. Lett., 49, 186-190 (2020).
  8. "Convergent evolution of processivity in bacterial and fungal cellulases" T. Uchiyama, T. Uchihashi, A. Nakamura, H. Watanabe" S. Kaneko, M.Samejima, *K. Igarashi, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 117, 19896-19903 (2020). (#: equal contribution)
  9. "Dynamics of oligomer and amyloid fibril formation by yeast prion Sup35 observed by high-speed atomic force microscopy" H. Konno, T. Watanabe-Nakayama, T. Uchihashi, M. Okuda, L. Zhu, N. Kodera, Y. Kikuchi, T. Ando , *H. Taguchi, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 117, 7831-7836 (2020).
  10. "Nanostructures, Thermoresponsiveness, and Assembly Mechanism of Hydrogel Microspheres during Aqueous Free-Radical Precipitation Polymerization" Y. Nishizawa, H. Minato, T. Inui, *T. Uchihashi, *D. Suzuki, Langmuir, 37, 151-159 (2020).
  11. "On-Membrane Dynamic Interplay between Anti-GM1 IgG Antibodies and Complement Component C1q" S. Yanaka, R. Yogo, H. Watanab, Y. Taniguchi, T.Satoh, N. Komura, H. Ando, H. Yagi, N. Yuki, *T. Uchihashi, *K. Kato, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 21, 147 (2020).
  12. "Rad50 zinc hook functions as a constitutive dimerization module interchangeable with SMC hinge" H. Tatebe, C. T. Lim, H. Konno, K. Shiozaki, A. Shinohara, *T. Uchihashi, *A. Furukohri, Nat. Commun., 11, article number: 370 (2020).
  13. "Schizorhodopsins: A novel family of rhodopsins from Asgard archaea that function as light-driven inward H+ pumps" *K. Inoue, S. P. Tsunoda, M. Singh, S. Tomida, S. Hososhima, M. Konno, R. Nakamura, H. Watanabe, P.-A. Bulzu, H. L. Banciu, A.-Ş. Andrei, T. Uchihashi, R. Ghai, O.Béjà, H. Kandori, Sci. Adv., 6, eaaz 2441 (2020).
  14. "Structural Dynamics of a Protein Domain Relevant to the Water-Oxidizing Complex in Photosystem II as Visualized by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy" T. Tokano, Y. Kato, S. Sugiyama, *T. Uchihashi, *T. Noguchi, J . Phys. Chem. B, 124, 5847-5857 (2020).
  15. "Structural insights into the mechanism of rhodopsin phosphodiesterase" T. Ikuta, W. Shihoya, M. Sugiura, K. Yoshida, M. Watari, T. Tokano, K. Yamashita, K. Katayama, S. P. Tsunoda, T. Uchihashi, *H. Kandori, *O Nureki, Nat. Commu., 11, 5605 (2020).
  16. "Supramolecular tholos-like architecture constituted by archaeal proteins without functional annotation" M. Yagi-Utsumi1, A. Sikudar, C. Song, J. Park, R. Inoue, H. Watanabe, R. N. Burton-Smith, T. Kozai, T. Suzuki, A. Kodama, K. Ishii1, H. Yagi, T. Satoh, S. Uchiyama, T. Uchihashi, K. Joo, J. Lee, M. Sugiyama, K. Murata, K. Kato, Sci. Rep., 10, 1540 (2020).
  17. "Thermoresponsive structural changes of single poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) hydrogel microspheres under densely packed conditions on a solid substrate" H. Minato, Y. Nishizawa, *T. Uchihashi, *D. Suzuki, Polym. J., 52, 1137-1141 (2020).
  18. "Construction of a Quadrangular Tetramer and a Cage-Like Hexamer from Three-Helix Bundle-Linked Fusion Proteins" T. Miyamoto, Y. Hayashi, K. Yoshida, H. Watanabe, T. Uchihashi, K. Yonezawa, N. Shimizu, H. Kamikubo, S. Hirota, ACS Synth. Biol., 2019, 85, 1112-1120.
  19. "Crystal structure of heliorhodopsin" W. Shihoya, K. Inoue, M. Singh, M. Konno, S. Hososhima, K. Yamashita, K. Ikeda, A. Higuchi, T. Izume, S. Okazaki, M. Hashimoto, R. Mizutori, S. Tomida, Y. Yamauchi, R. Abe-Yoshizumi, K. Katayama, S. P. Tsunoda, M. Shibata, Y. Furutani, A. Pushkarev, O. Béjà, T. Uchihashi, *H. Kandori, *O. Nureki, Nature, 574, 132-136 (2019).
  20. "Hydrogel Microellipsoids that Form Robust String‐Like Assemblies at the Air/Water Interface" K. Honda, Y. Sazuka, K. Iizuka, S. Matsui, T. Uchihashi, T. Kureha, M. Shibayama, T. Watanabe and  D. Suzuki, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58, 7294-7298.
  21. "Mutational and combinatorial control of self-assembling and disassembling of human proteasome α-subunits" T. Sekiguchi, T. Satoh, E. Kurimoto, C. Son, T. Kozai, H. Watanabe, K. Ishii, H. Yagi, S. Yanaka, S. Uchiyama, T. Uchihashi, K. Murata, *K. Kato, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20, 2608 (2019).
  22. "Non-Thermoresponsive Decanano-sized Domains in Thermoresponsive Hydrogel Microspheres Revealed by Temperature-Controlled High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy" Y. Nishizawa, S. Matsui, K. Urayama, T. Kureha, M. Shibayama, T. Uchihashi and D. Suzuki, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58, 8809-8813.
  23. "Protein Uptake into Individual Hydrogel Microspheres Visualized by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy" S. Matsui, K. Hosho, H. Minato, T. Uchihashi and  D. Suzuki, Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 10064-10067.
  24. "A ring-shaped hemoprotein trimer thermodynamically controlled by the supramolecular heme–heme pocket interaction" K. Oohora, R. Kajihara, N. Fujimaki, T. Uchihashi, T. Hayashi, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 1544-1547.
  25. "Direct Observation and Manipulation of Supramolecular Polymerization by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy" T. Fukui, T. Uchihashi, N. Sasaki, M. Takeuchi, K. Sugiyasu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 15465-15470.
  26. "Microtubule Self-Healing and Defect Creation Investigated by In-Line Force Measurements During High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging" C. Ganser and T. Uchihashi, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 125-135.
  27. "Monitoring Thermo-responsive Morphological Changes in Individual Hydrogel Microspheres" S. Matsui, Y. Nishizawa, T. Uchihashi, D. Suzuki, ACS Omega, 2018, 3, 10836-10842.
  28. "Supramolecular Hemoprotein Assembly with a Periodic Structure Showing Heme–Heme Exciton Coupling" K. Oohora, N. Fujimaki, R. Kajihata, H. Watanabe, T. Uchihashi, T. Hayashi, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 10145-10148.



  1. ”高速原子間力顕微鏡で撮影するタンパク質の機能動態”,内橋貴之(招待), 第21回 日本タンパク質年会, ワークショック” 高速分子動画:タンパク質の構造機能相関研究の最先端” (オンライン, 2021年6月17日)
  2. ”高速AFMによる高分子ゲル微粒子の構造物性動態イメージング”,内橋貴之(招待), 第70回 高分子討論会, ”ソフトマテリアルイメージングの最前線” (オンライン, 2021年9月8日)
  3. "高速AFMによる酸素発生光化学系II のドメイン構造揺らぎの可視化”、内橋貴之(招待講演),ブルカージャパン オンラインシンポジウム 〜単一生体分子の動的プロセス評価に向けた高速AFM技術〜, 2020年12月15日, オンライン
  4. "高速原子間力顕微鏡で可視化する生体・人工分子のダイナミクス、内橋貴之(招待講演), 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科(薬学系) 先端薬学特論 公開セミナー, 2020年10月9日, オンライン



  1. 「プログラムされた分子が自発的にナノ模様を形成」が科学新聞で報道(2022.1.27)
  2. JSTアジア・太平洋総合研究センターの中国語サイト「客観日本」(https://www.keguanjp.com/kgjp_keji/kgjp_kj_smkx/pt20220225000001.html)で紹介
  3. 「自己修復・自己組織化材料の開発と応用事例」第5章 第12節「高速原子間力顕微鏡による分子の自己組織化過程のリアルタイムでの観察」、内橋貴之、技術情報協会, 2020年3月
  4. 「膜タンパク質工学ハンドブック」(津本浩平 監修): 第1編 第2章15「高速原子間力顕微鏡によるタンパク質の構造ダイナミクス解析」, 内橋貴之、株式会社 エヌ・ティー・エス, 2020年3月



  • 受賞タイトル:Real-time Nanoscale Visualization of Biological Molecules at Work with High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy, IEEE 3M Nano 2019, Best Conference Paper Award 受賞者:内橋 貴之
